Page updated: 04/26/22


I ran across this on 4chan years ago. I might get around to uploading the image associated with it someday. As always I don’t believe theses stories, they are just entertaining.

Conspiracy Starts Here

Listen fags, cause I’m gonna drop a real, hard redpill on y’all.

You all like gas, so let me call you attention to one gas in the periodic table called Xenon. Xenon ain’t no ordinary shit. It’s a noble gas so it does not react with anything. And it has 5 stable isotopes, meaning, these fuckers don’t decay once produced.

Now Mars has excess of Xe-129 with respect to Xe-130. This is curious, because all Xe in a solar system was produced in a supernova which produced the nebula that our shit formed from some 4.5 billion years ago or whatever. And Xe-129 and to Xe-130 ratio is the same on all planets EXCEPT Mars and Earth. Actually, Earth’s xenon ratio is in line with the rest of the solar system in air samples from before 1945. After 1945 Earth has Xe-129 excess and will have it until the Sun burns it. That’s because, if you fission uranium with fast neutrons (like in an exploding bomb) the process produces TEN FUCKING TIMES Xe-129 then Xe-130.

All nuke testing on Earth after 1945 caused a 7.2% increase of Xe-129 compared to pre-nuclear Earth. Now hold your hat cowboy; because Mars has 271% the amount of Xe-129 compared to pre-nuclear Earth (or 171% increase). So it means that the total yield of nuclear processes on Mars was FUCKING 21 TIMES the yield of all nukes ever detonated on Earth.

Someone nuked the shit out of Mars and that’s why the place is a fucking wasteland. Now here’s another kicker. (((NASA))) had this evidence since Viking-1 measured Xe isotopes back in 1976, and they said nothing. Instead, people who said that pic related is artificial got ridiculed, even if any moron can see nature does not make shit like this.

EvidenceforaLargeAnomalousNuclearExplosionsinMarsPast.pdf broken mars_nuked.pdf End of conspiracy